Hi, I’m Vitor. 👋


Hello, my name is Vitor Lobo, also known as (scovl) in the community. “Scovl” is a play on words combining ‘Scoville’ and my name—Sco from Scott and Vitor Lobo, making Scovl. It refers to the Scoville scale, which measures the heat level of peppers, and I have a particular passion for peppers, especially the nuclear-hot ones. I’m a Software Engineer, a writer, a gamer and an independent researcher. I’ve been working with technology for over 10 years and I’m passionate about art and culture, such as literature, cinema, music, comics, manga, anime and even a good beach! I love riding my bike and enjoying my free time with my wife and our cats. In addition, I’m also an open-source enthusiast. I’m involved in some projects, such as:

Being autistic is part of who I am, and I’m proud of it. However, I know that for many autistic people, talking about the diagnosis can be a challenge. We autistics often face difficulties expressing ourselves and communicating with others. We are often misunderstood or judged for our differences. In addition, the stigma and prejudice surrounding autism can lead to fear and anxiety about revealing our condition to other people.

Sharing my experience as an autistic person is a way of showing that we all have our peculiarities and challenges, but that does not prevent us from living our lives and following our passions. I believe that by addressing the issue and sharing our stories, we can help combat stigma, create empathy and build a more inclusive and understanding world for all.